For obtaining a visa to the Republic of Belarus (for private purposes) the applicant provides to the Consular Section of the Embassy the following documents:
1. One duly completed and signed visa application form with a color glued photograph (visa photo requirements):
2. A valid original passport (has at least two blank pages intended for visas; is valid for at least 90 days after the expected departure date from the Republic of Belarus);
3. Medical insurance policy (the terms and dates indicated in the medical insurance policy should be matched to the information in the requested visa);
4. One of the following support documents:
- An original invitation completed by a Belarus national, issued by the local office of Citizenship and Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus (an invitation sample);
- Birth certificate on the territory of the modern Republic of Belarus and surname change documents for them who were born on the territory of the modern Republic of Belarus;
- An original invitation completed by a Belarus national, whose signature is confirmed at the Consular Section of the Embassy (for inviting non –relatives);
- An original invitation completed by a permanent resident in the Republic of Belarus (invitation for spouses and close relatives such as parents, children, grandmothers, grandfathers, grandchildren) and documents confirming close kinship, marriage (surname change documents) to an inviting person;
- Documents, confirming close kinship or marriage to a Belarus national — for spouses, parents, children, grandchildren, blood brothers and sisters of a Belarus national;
- Documents confirming ownership of a residential property on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and documents proved close kinship, if the applicants are family members of the owner (spouses, minor children);
- A copy of Birth certificate and copies of passports of the applicant’s parents (legal representatives) are additionally provided for minor children.
The Consular Section of the Embassy of the Republic of Belarus is accepted visa application documents in original and copies.